Ian has been involved in kids ministry for 25 years and has a passion to see kids all across Ireland encounter the love and keeping power of Jesus Christ; to understand who He is, who they are in Him and how He wants to work through them to reach a lost world for Him.
His heart is that every childrens leader truly understands the magnitude of the call of God in their life. To see each one empowered and developed to reach their full potential as they serve the kids in their local church and community, and use their gifts to impact, inspire and encourage others to do the same.
Ian Harland
Team Leader
About us:
We are all about the kids and the kids' workers across Elim in Ireland, north and south. We love to train, resource and support. We also do individual consultations with children’s ministries and run events for kids and kids workers.
Our Ethos:
Here's to the crazy ones. The ones with grubby hands and scuffed knees, with little height but big hearts, the free ones, who don't live in cages, who believe God actually can do Anything! Here's to our kids! And here's to those brave enough to do life with them, to teach them, train them, love them, tell them about a big God who loves little people.
Here's to those crazy enough to believe that God can use Kids to change the World. Crazy? Maybe... But it's the crazy ones that believe God for the impossible that actually see Him do it...